Directory / Repertorio Comacomp 2015-2016 - page 10

Comacomp is the associationof Italiancomponentsmanufacturers formedwithinfederunacoma, thenational federation
of manufacturers of agricultural, earthmoving and gardening machinery – an extremely large and articulated industrial
sector presentworldwide andparticularly in Italy, distinguished for its high level of dynamismand innovation.
theproduction representedby the association, supplied tooems or soldas spareparts formachines, canbebrokendown
into the followingmacroareas:
mechanical components (ptodriveshafts, finaldrivesandspeed increasers, gearboxes, freewheels, clutches, axles, etc.);
hydraulic components (cylinders, pumps,motors, valves, etc.);
electronic components (electrical systems andwiring, electronic control andmonitoring devices, Gps systems, on-
boardcomputers and instruments, etc.);
miscellaneous components (tracks, cabs, seats, brake systems, chassis, three-point hitches, etc.);
irrigationcomponents (hoses, fittings, filters, pumps, sprinklers, accessories, etc.);
cropprotectioncomponents (booms, pumps, fans, filters, control units, nozzles, etc.).
the Italiancomponents industryhasdevelopedhand inhandwith theagricultural, earthmovingandgardeningmachinery
industry ina spirit of collaboration that starts in thedesignandproduct engineeringstageand that, combinedwith intense
researchwork, underpins a vast range of highly specialisedproducts that have achieved international recognition in each
production sector.
Components and integrated component systems, created through the interaction of mechanical engineering, hydraulics
and electronics, play an increasingly strategic role in the developmental process of the technological innovations that
distinguishthemachines ineachsector intermsof reliability, performance, energyefficiency, environmental friendlinessand
operator safety.
Comacomp’s specific goals include increasing the level of focus of certain of the association’s initiatives in the following
areas: internationalisationandpromotionon foreignmarkets; organisationof specificconferences andseminars andevents
hosted at trade fairs; stimulating research projects that promote collaborationbetweenmember companies and research
institutes; assistance andconsultancy for technical andnormativematters.
through federunacoma surl, Comacomp helps to define the organisational and promotional aspects of the “eImA
Components” event, launched at the time of eImA International 2008, which constitutes a unique showcase in the
components universe in terms of product range and representativeness and which draws the most exhibitors of all
international events in the sector.
Comacomp represents approximately 80manufacturing companies with a combined production value of € 1.4 billion in
2013, ofwhicharound80%generated fromexport sales, andemployingaworkforceof around8,300.
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