Directory / Repertorio Comacomp 2015-2016 - page 16

promoting the interests of the agricultural, earthmoving and gardening machinery components manufacturers in the
Comacompassociation is oneof theprimaryobjectives of federunacoma, pursuedby:
incentivising the introduction and adoptionof newer andmore efficientmechanical means in the fields of agriculture,
energy,maintenanceof parks andgardens, andearthmovingmachinery;
incentivising technological development andupdatingof the referencemachinerybase in Italy andworldwide;
providingmemberswithdedicated support, assistance, and innovative services.
Comacomp’s area of competence is to identify and promote specific initiatives, as summarised in the following list, for
component manufacturers in the framework of the main actions performed by federunacoma in technical-design and
economic-statistical areas, and in relation toassistance, promotion, communicationand trainingactivities.
Institutional relations
collaborationwith Italian institutions to prepare the“ICe Agency promotional plan” for the allocation of public funds to
support promotional activities inother countries.
institutional participation in international trade fairs;
organisationof b2bmeetings andworkshops in strategic areas;
visits tomember companies bydelegations of foreignoperators;
identificationof countries inwhich toconductmarket surveys.
Technical andregulatoryassistance
disseminationandcontinual assistance in relation to theevolutionof national and international regulations;
participation inmeetings of europeanand International technical committees, alsowith the collaborationof oems;
assistance andconsultancy supplied tocompanies for the applicationof legislationand technical regulations;
organisationof seminars andworkshops on specific arguments connectedwith the components sector;
collaboration with oems, research institutes, test laboratories and universities for the promotion of joint research
activities aimed at developing technological innovations capable of improving product quality and performance and
compliancewith legallymandated safety andenvironmental protection requirements.
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